Case study IT Project Management

Case Study: Zeren Software’s DORA Implementation Project for a Major Banking Client

Case Study: Zeren Software’s DORA Implementation Project for a Major Banking Client


In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial services, ensuring robust IT security and operational resilience has become a top priority. The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), a groundbreaking EU regulation, was enacted on January 16, 2023, and will become fully applicable on January 17, 2025. This regulation aims to fortify the IT security of financial entities, including banks, insurance companies, and investment firms, ensuring they remain resilient in the face of severe operational disruptions.

Recognizing the importance of this regulation, one of the largest banks in the Nordics partnered with Zeren Software to implement DORA requirements effectively. Our team of skilled project managers was mobilized to support this critical project, leveraging their expertise to ensure seamless compliance and operational resilience.

Project Background

The financial sector’s increasing reliance on technology has made it vulnerable to cyber-attacks and operational incidents. The Digital Operational Resilience Act seeks to harmonize operational resilience rules across 20 types of financial entities and ICT third-party service providers. This harmonization is crucial for managing ICT risks that could disrupt financial services, potentially impacting other sectors and the broader economy.

Our client, a prominent Nordic bank, recognized the need to align with DORA’s stringent requirements to safeguard its operations and maintain market confidence. They turned to Zeren Software for professional support, requesting experienced project managers to drive the implementation.

Project Scope and Objectives

The DORA implementation project encompassed several key objectives:

  1. DORA Requirements Justification: Justifying DORA requirements and cascading them down to relevant service areas and IT projects.
  2. Coordination of Remediation Activities: Overseeing remediation activities to address identified gaps and vulnerabilities.
  3. Project Plan Preparation and Execution: Developing a detailed project plan and ensuring its effective execution.
  4. Budget Management: Managing the project budget to ensure optimal use of resources.
  5. RAID Management: Handling risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies (RAID) to keep the project on track.
  6. Reporting: Providing regular updates to stakeholders on project progress and compliance status.

Role of Zeren Software’s Project Managers

Our project managers play a pivotal role in the successful implementation of DORA. Their responsibilities include:

  • End-to-End Project Management: Leading the project lifecycle from initiation to completion, ensuring all DORA requirements are met.
  • Stakeholder Coordination: Collaborating with various departments to justify requirements and define actionable steps for compliance.
  • Remediation Oversight: Coordinating remediation efforts to address vulnerabilities and enhance operational resilience.
  • Strategic Planning: Preparing comprehensive project plans, managing budgets, and executing strategies to achieve project goals.
  • RAID Management: Proactively identifying and managing risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies.
  • Effective Communication: Maintaining clear and consistent communication with stakeholders and providing detailed reports on progress and challenges.

Challenges and Solutions

Implementing DORA presents several challenges, including:

  • Complex Regulatory Requirements: Navigating the intricate details of the DORA framework and ensuring comprehensive compliance.
  • Cross-Departmental Coordination: Aligning multiple departments and service areas with the new requirements.
  • Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with ICT vulnerabilities and operational disruptions.

Our project managers address these challenges through:

  • Deep Regulatory Knowledge
  • Robust Project Planning
  • Collaborative Approach
  • Proactive Risk Mitigation

Results and Impact

The successful implementation of DORA requirements will result in significant benefits for the bank:

  • Enhanced IT Security: Strengthening IT security measures to protect against cyber threats and operational disruptions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Achieving full compliance with DORA, ensuring the bank meets all regulatory standards.
  • Operational Resilience: Improvement of the bank’s ability to withstand and recover from severe operational disruptions, safeguarding its operations and customer trust.


Zeren Software’s involvement in this critical DORA implementation project highlights our commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that drive business success. By partnering with one of the largest banks in the Nordics, we demonstrate our capability to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and enhance operational resilience. As the financial sector continues to evolve, Zeren Software remains dedicated to supporting our clients in achieving compliance and maintaining robust IT security, ensuring they stay resilient in an increasingly digital world.

Case study IT Project Management

Case Study: Zeren Software’s Oracle FLEXCUBE Implementation Project for a Major Banking Client

Case Study: Zeren Software’s Oracle FLEXCUBE Implementation Project for a Major Banking Client

In today’s fast-paced financial landscape, maintaining cutting-edge technology is crucial for banks to stay competitive. Recognizing this, one of the largest banks in the Nordics embarked on an ambitious project to upgrade its core banking system as part of its Core Banking Transformation program. The goal was to enhance business agility, streamline connectivity, and optimize operations through the implementation of Oracle FLEXCUBE. Zeren Software was entrusted with this critical project, providing a team of skilled project managers to ensure its success.

Project Background

Our client, a prominent Nordic bank, launched a comprehensive transformation initiative encompassing four major streams:

  1. FLEXCUBE Transformation
  2. Non-production Platform Delivery
  3. Pan-Regional Integration Platform
  4. Infrastructure and Network Strategy Implementation (Data Center Move)

The FLEXCUBE Transformation project is a cornerstone of this initiative, involving the upgrade of FLEXCUBE from version 8 to 13, integration with over 40 satellite systems, and ensuring robust business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing (DWH) reporting.

Project Scope and Objectives

The specific role Zeren Software played focuses on the BI/DWH stream within the FLEXCUBE Transformation project. Key objectives included:

  • Clarifying Business Requirements: Ensuring business requirements are clearly defined and accepted by stakeholders.
  • System Upgrade: Upgrading FLEXCUBE from version 8 to 13.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrating FLEXCUBE with over 40 satellite systems and a data warehouse.
  • BI and DWH Reporting: Ensuring uninterrupted BI and DWH reporting during the system transition.

Role of Zeren Software’s Project Managers

Our team of project managers was tasked with overseeing the BI/DWH stream, managing the end-to-end project lifecycle. Their responsibilities include:

  • Project Lifecycle Management: Leading the BI/DWH stream from initiation to completion, ensuring all milestones were met.
  • Stakeholder Coordination: Working closely with various stakeholders to define and document product and process requirements.
  • Migration Strategy: Developing and executing a comprehensive migration strategy, ensuring business and operational readiness.
  • Training and Testing: Facilitating end-user training and ensuring comprehensive test case documentation.
  • Integration Management: Managing the integration and configuration of FLEXCUBE with existing systems to maintain reporting accuracy and compliance.
  • Dependency and Risk Management: Identifying and managing risks, ensuring effective communication and coordination across all project streams.

Challenges and Solutions

The project presented several challenges, including managing dependencies across four major streams and ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations. Our project managers addressed these challenges through:

  • Proactive Risk Management.
  • Effective Communication.
  • Robust Testing Protocols.

Results and Impact

The successful upgrade of FLEXCUBE will result in significant improvements for the bank:

  • Enhanced Business Agility: The upgraded system will allow the bank to respond more swiftly to market changes and customer needs.
  • Streamlined Connectivity: Improved integration with other systems will optimize processes and data flow.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automation of routine tasks and enhanced data management will reduce operational costs and improve efficiency.


Zeren Software’s involvement in this critical project underscores our commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that drive business success. The successful implementation of Oracle FLEXCUBE for one of the largest banks in the Nordics will not only enhance their operational capabilities but also position them at the forefront of digital banking transformation. As the financial industry continues to evolve, Zeren Software remains dedicated to supporting our clients in navigating their digital journeys, ensuring they remain competitive and innovative in a rapidly changing market.









Staff Augmentation

Maximizing ROI with IT Staff Augmentation: A Step-by-Step Guide for Businesses

Maximizing ROI with IT Staff Augmentation: A Step-by-Step Guide for Businesses

As businesses navigate the complexities of modern markets, the need for flexible and strategic approaches to technology becomes paramount. IT staff augmentation has emerged as a powerful solution, enabling companies to access specialized skills, scale their teams, and ultimately maximize their return on investment (ROI). This comprehensive guide explores the process of IT staff augmentation, providing practical insights and actionable steps to achieve success.

Step 1: Identify Your Needs

Understanding your specific needs is the cornerstone of a successful IT staff augmentation strategy.

Assess Your Current Team

Before diving into the world of IT staff augmentation, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your existing team’s capabilities. Conduct a skills audit to pinpoint both the strengths and weaknesses within your current workforce. Are there areas where your team excels and others where you’re falling short? Identifying these gaps is the first step in tailoring an IT staff augmentation strategy that complements your in-house talents. This is not just about filling roles; it’s about enhancing your team’s overall effectiveness and efficiency.

Define Your Objectives

Once you’ve assessed your team, the next step is to clearly define your project objectives. What are you aiming to achieve with this project? Is it to develop a new software application, enhance cybersecurity, or perhaps migrate to cloud services? Establish concrete timelines and set measurable outcomes. For instance, if your objective is to improve cybersecurity, a measurable outcome could be “to reduce security incidents by 30% within six months.” Having well-articulated goals ensures that your IT staff augmentation strategy is aligned with your broader business objectives. This alignment is crucial for maximizing ROI.

Align with Strategic Vision

It’s essential that your IT staff augmentation strategy doesn’t exist in a vacuum but is closely aligned with your company’s strategic vision. Whether it’s market expansion, product diversification, or customer experience enhancement, every decision you make in the augmentation process should be a stepping stone towards achieving that vision. This ensures that you’re not just spending money but making an investment in the future of the company.

best IT company

Step 2: Select the Right Partner

Research Potential Partners

The importance of choosing the right IT staff augmentation partner cannot be overstated. Begin by conducting thorough research on potential providers. While it may be tempting to go with the first option that comes your way, a more diligent approach will pay off in the long run. Look for providers that are known for their quality and reliability, much like Zeren Software. Assess key factors such as the provider’s experience in the industry, their reputation, and any client testimonials or case studies they can offer. This will give you a well-rounded view of what to expect and help you make an informed decision. Remember, a successful partnership minimizes risks and maximizes the effectiveness of the augmented team.

Evaluate Expertise

Once you’ve shortlisted potential partners, the next step is to evaluate their expertise in relation to your specific project needs. This goes beyond just looking at their years of experience; it’s about ensuring they have the right kind of experience. Conduct interviews with the provider to gauge their understanding of your project and industry. Review their portfolios to see the breadth and depth of their work. Don’t hesitate to request references or even speak to their previous clients. This will give you insights into their work ethic, reliability, and ability to meet project goals. Ensuring that the provider’s expertise aligns with your project requirements will not only guarantee a seamless integration but also ensure that the augmented team can contribute effectively from day one.

Assess Cultural Fit

While skills and expertise are crucial, the cultural fit between your organization and the IT staff augmentation provider should not be overlooked. A team that aligns with your company’s culture, values, and work ethic will be more motivated and better integrated, leading to higher productivity and a more harmonious work environment. This can be assessed through interviews, trial projects, or even by visiting their offices if possible.

Financial Considerations

Last but not least, consider the financial aspects. While cost shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor, it’s important to ensure that the partnership offers good value for the investment. Discuss pricing models, payment terms, and any additional costs that might arise during the project. A transparent financial agreement will prevent any unexpected surprises and contribute to a more trusting and successful partnership.

By taking the time to carefully select the right IT staff augmentation partner, you’re setting the stage for a successful, productive, and mutually beneficial collaboration. This step is crucial in ensuring that the augmented team will not only meet but exceed your project expectations, thereby contributing to the overall success and ROI of your initiative.

Step 3: Integrate the Augmented Team

Onboard Effectively

The integration phase is where the rubber meets the road in IT staff augmentation. A well-executed onboarding process can set the tone for a successful partnership. Start by providing the augmented team with a comprehensive orientation that covers not just the technical aspects of the project, but also company culture, policies, and expectations. Offer clear guidelines and checklists to ensure that everyone is on the same page from day one. Make sure to provide all the necessary resources, such as access to project management tools, code repositories, and any other software that will be used. A smooth onboarding process not only fosters a cohesive working environment but also minimizes the time it takes for the augmented team to become productive, thereby contributing to project success.

Foster Collaboration

Once the augmented team is onboarded, the focus should shift to fostering a collaborative environment. Collaboration is the linchpin that holds together successful projects, especially in a setting where team members may be distributed across different locations or time zones. Encourage open communication through regular meetings, be it daily stand-ups or weekly round-ups, to discuss project updates, challenges, and next steps. Utilize team-building activities to break down barriers and build trust among team members. This could range from virtual coffee breaks to more structured team-building exercises.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

In today’s digital age, there’s no shortage of tools to facilitate communication. However, having too many platforms can lead to confusion. Establish clear communication channels, whether it’s Slack for instant messaging, Zoom for video conferencing, or Jira for project management. Make sure everyone knows where to find information and how to communicate with different team members. This clarity can significantly enhance collaboration and project execution.

Monitor and Adjust

Integration is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Regularly monitor the performance and dynamics of the augmented team. Are they meeting project milestones? Do they collaborate well with the in-house team? Are there any issues that need to be addressed? Based on these assessments, don’t hesitate to make necessary adjustments, whether it’s redefining roles, providing additional resources, or even swapping out team members to better fit the project’s needs.

By paying meticulous attention to the integration process, you unlock the full potential of your augmented team. This not only leads to a more harmonious working environment but also paves the way for innovative solutions, increased productivity, and ultimately, a higher return on your investment.

Maximizing ROI with IT Staff Augmentation

Step 4: Monitor and Evaluate

Track Progress

Ongoing vigilance is the cornerstone of any successful project, and this is especially true for IT staff augmentation. To ensure that your project stays aligned with its objectives and timelines, it’s crucial to keep a constant eye on its progress. Employ sophisticated project management software that allows you to set and track milestones, allocate resources, and generate real-time reports. These tools will not only help you maintain a bird’s-eye view of the project but also allow you to drill down into the details when necessary. Regular status meetings should be a fixture in your project calendar, offering a forum for team members to report on what has been accomplished and what lies ahead. This proactive approach to tracking helps you catch potential issues before they escalate, ensuring that the project remains on course for timely delivery.

Evaluate Performance

Performance evaluation is not a one-off event but an ongoing process that should be integrated into the project lifecycle. Regular reviews and feedback sessions with the augmented team are essential for maintaining high performance levels. These evaluations should consider various metrics, including the quality of work delivered, adherence to deadlines, and the level of collaboration with in-house team members. Use performance indicators that are aligned with your project’s objectives to ensure that the evaluation is relevant and actionable. This continuous performance assessment not only ensures that the team meets or exceeds expectations but also identifies areas for improvement, providing an opportunity for real-time adjustments and long-term learning.

By incorporating these monitoring and evaluation steps, you set the stage for a project that not only meets its initial objectives but continually adapts and improves, maximizing your return on investment.

Step 5: Optimize and Scale

Analyze ROI

Optimization begins with a thorough analysis of the Return on Investment (ROI) generated by your IT staff augmentation strategy. This involves a multi-faceted evaluation that goes beyond just cost savings. Consider the broader impact on productivity, the quality of work delivered, and how well the project aligns with your overarching business objectives. Employ a range of metrics and analytics tools to quantify these factors. This data-driven approach will not only validate the success of your current strategy but also highlight areas where improvements can be made. By continually analyzing ROI, you equip yourself with the insights needed to make informed decisions that keep your strategy in line with business goals.

Scale Strategically

Once you have a clear understanding of your ROI and areas for improvement, you’re in a strong position to make strategic scaling decisions. Whether it’s expanding the team to meet the demands of a new project phase or scaling down to maintain efficiency, these decisions should be made carefully. Take into account various factors such as the complexity of ongoing projects, budgetary constraints, and emerging market trends that could influence your staffing needs. The ability to scale strategically is one of the key advantages of IT staff augmentation, allowing you to adapt your resources to meet evolving business requirements. By aligning your scaling decisions with comprehensive ROI analysis, you ensure that every move is calculated to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

Incorporating these optimization and scaling steps into your IT staff augmentation strategy ensures that you are not just reacting to business needs, but proactively aligning your resources for future success. This forward-thinking approach maximizes efficiency and sets the stage for sustainable growth.

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Achieving Success Through Strategic Planning

Navigating the complexities of maximizing ROI with IT staff augmentation is no small feat, but the rewards are well worth the effort. This process demands meticulous planning, judicious decision-making, and continuous oversight. By adhering to the comprehensive guide outlined above, organizations can craft a bespoke strategy that fully capitalizes on the benefits of IT staff augmentation, thereby driving measurable success.

At Zeren Software, our mission is to deliver customized IT staff augmentation solutions that yield impactful results. Our seasoned team of professionals is dedicated to supporting your organization at every juncture – from the initial planning stages right through to successful execution and beyond.

Are you prepared to elevate your ROI through IT staff augmentation? Reach out to Zeren Software today. Let us help you unlock the transformative potential of customized IT staff augmentation solutions, perfectly aligned with your business objectives, to produce real and lasting outcomes.

Agile Development

Unlocking the Mystery: Calculating the Cost of Rework in Agile – A Comprehensive Guide for Managers

Unlocking the Mystery: Calculating the Cost of Rework in Agile – A Comprehensive Guide for Managers

In the fast-paced world of Agile development, efficiency is key. But what happens when things don’t go as planned? Rework is often necessary, and understanding its cost is crucial for managers and development teams alike. This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of rework in Agile, exploring its definition, the reasons it happens, the defect rate, metrics for rework cost, and the formula to calculate it.

What is Rework in Agile?

Rework in Agile refers to the process of revising, correcting, or modifying a part of a product that has already been completed. It is often required when the initial work does not meet the quality standards or when changes are needed after feedback from stakeholders. Rework can be costly and time-consuming, making it essential to understand and manage it effectively.

Rework can be frustrating and time-consuming, but it’s important to remember that it’s a normal part of Agile software development. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has to redo things sometimes.

Here’s an example of rework in Agile:

Let’s say you’re on a software development team working on a new app. Your team finishes developing a new feature for the app and launches it into production. But after launch, users find that the feature doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. Your team has to go back and fix the feature, which is an example of rework.

Agile teams can reduce rework by:

  • Communicating effectively with each other and with stakeholders.
  • Clearly and completely defining requirements before starting work.
  • Rigorously testing the product before launch.

Rework is an inevitable part of Agile software development, but by understanding and managing it effectively, teams can reduce its negative impact on time and costs.

Imagine you’re building a model airplane. You finish building the fuselage and glue on the wings. But then you realize that you put the wings on backwards. You have to go back and unglue the wings and then glue them on again in the right direction. This is an example of rework.

Just like building a model airplane, there are times when you’ll need to go back and fix something that you’ve already done in Agile software development. But by following the tips above, you can reduce the amount of rework that you have to do.

Why Rework Happens

Rework can occur for various reasons, including:

  • Miscommunication between team members
  • Changes in requirements
  • Inadequate testing
  • Lack of adherence to coding standards

Understanding the reasons for rework can help managers take preventive measures and reduce the associated costs.

What is Defect Rate in Agile?

Defect rate in Agile is the percentage of defects found in a product during a specific period or phase of development. It’s a vital metric that helps in understanding the quality of the product and the efficiency of the development process. A high defect rate may indicate underlying issues in the development process that need to be addressed.

The defect rate can be calculated using the formula:

\text{Defect Rate} = \left( \frac{\text{Number of Defective Items}}{\text{Total Number of Items Inspected}} \right) \times 100

Defect rate in Agile is the number of defects found in a product during a specific period or phase of development, divided by the total number of defects that could have been found. It is expressed as a percentage.

For example, if a team finds 10 defects in a product that has 100 potential defects, the defect rate would be 10%.

A high defect rate can indicate that there are problems with the development process, such as poor testing or inadequate design review. It can also lead to delays and increased costs.


Imagine you are building a new house. You want to make sure that the house is well-built and free of defects. So, you hire a team of contractors to build the house for you.

The contractors start working on the house and they do a good job. However, they make a few mistakes along the way. For example, they may install a window that is not level or they may use the wrong type of nail for a particular job.

These mistakes are called defects.

The contractors eventually finish building the house and they show it to you. You are happy with the house overall, but you notice a few of the defects.

You tell the contractors about the defects and they fix them.

In this example, the defect rate of the house is the number of defects that were found in the house divided by the total number of defects that could have been found in the house.

What is the Metric for Rework Cost?

The metric for rework cost in Agile is often expressed as the time and resources spent on correcting or modifying completed work. It includes the cost of additional labor, materials, testing, and other resources required to complete the rework. This metric helps in understanding the impact of rework on the overall project budget and timeline.

What is the Formula for Rework Cost in Agile?

Calculating the rework cost in Agile can be done using the following formula:

Rework Cost = \left( \text{Hours spent on rework} \times \text{Hourly rate} \right) + \text{Additional material costs} + \text{Testing costs} + \text{Other associated costs}

This formula provides a comprehensive view of the rework cost, considering various factors that contribute to it.

Imagine you’re building a LEGO house. You follow the instructions carefully, but you make a mistake. You have to take apart the part of the house that you built wrong and rebuild it correctly. This is rework.

Rework costs money because you have to pay for the time it takes to fix the mistake, the materials you need to replace, and any other costs associated with fixing the mistake.

Let’s say you’re working on a software development project and you make a mistake in the code. You have to spend 2 hours fixing the mistake. Your hourly rate is $50 per hour. You also need to buy $10 worth of new materials to fix the mistake.

The rework cost would be:

Rework Cost = (2 hours x $50 per hour) + $10 worth of new materials = $110

This is just a simple example. The rework cost for a real-world project can be much higher, depending on the severity of the mistake and the cost of the project.

Metric for Rework Cost

Five Ways to Reduce Technical Debt and Rework Costs in Agile

  1. Define Best Practices for DevOps and Adhere to Them: Automating every application lifecycle management process is crucial for reducing technical debt.
  2. Automate All Nonvalue Work: Streamline activities that add time and cost to development but do not add value to the product.
  3. Don’t Let the Flaws in Software Fester: The later a defect is identified, the more expensive it is to resolve.
  4. Don’t Rush Through the Requirements Phase of Iterative Development: Taking time to understand requirements can prevent costly rework later.
  5. Automate Testing First to Reduce Technical Debt: Automated testing can catch defects early, reducing the need for extensive rework.


Understanding and managing the cost of rework in Agile is vital for project success. By comprehending what rework is, why it happens, the defect rate, the metrics for rework cost, and the formula to calculate it, managers can make informed decisions that lead to more efficient and cost-effective development processes.

By following the best practices outlined in this guide, managers can reduce technical debt and the high cost of rework, leading to more successful projects and satisfied stakeholders. The insights provided in this article are based on industry best practices and real-world experiences, offering a practical and elegant approach to a complex subject, and Zeren Software is here to help your company and project ambitions every step of the way.

Agile Development

Kanban versus Scrum: A Comprehensive Guide to Agile Development

Kanban versus Scrum: A Comprehensive Guide to Agile Development

In the world of software development, two methodologies often stand out: Kanban and Scrum. Both are popular Agile frameworks, but they have distinct differences, advantages, and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore these methodologies, answer some common questions, and provide key comparisons to help you decide which is best for your project, and can Zeren Software best accommodate your needs.

Kanban vs. Scrum: What’s the Difference?

Software development is the process of creating and maintaining computer programs. There are many different ways to develop software, but two of the most popular methods are Kanban and Scrum.

Both Kanban and Scrum are Agile frameworks, which means that they focus on delivering small increments of work frequently, rather than trying to complete a large project all at once. This allows teams to be more flexible and responsive to change.


Kanban is a visual workflow management system that emphasizes continuous delivery without overloading the development team. It uses a Kanban board to visualize the flow of work, allowing teams to see the status of tasks and identify bottlenecks.

Kanban uses a visual board to track the flow of work. The board is divided into columns, each of which represents a different stage of the development process. For example, there might be columns for “To Do”, “In Progress”, and “Done”.

Teams use Kanban to limit the amount of work in progress at any given time. This helps to improve focus and reduce the risk of bottlenecks. Kanban is also a good choice for teams that have a lot of incoming requests, as it allows them to prioritize work and focus on the most important things.

Imagine a restaurant kitchen. The chef and kitchen staff use a Kanban board to track the orders that are coming in. They have columns for “New Orders”, “Being Prepared”, and “Ready to Serve”. The chef and kitchen staff work on the orders in the order that they come in, but they also make sure not to have too many orders in progress at the same time. This helps to ensure that the food is cooked quickly and efficiently.


Scrum, on the other hand, is an iterative framework that divides the aproject into time-boxed iterations called sprints. Each sprint lasts typically two weeks, and the team commits to completing a set of tasks within that time frame.

Scrum is a more structured framework than Kanban. It involves working in short, fixed-length time periods called sprints. At the beginning of each sprint, the team selects a set of user stories to complete by the end of the sprint.

During the sprint, the team works together to deliver the user stories. They meet regularly to discuss their progress and identify any roadblocks. At the end of the sprint, the team demonstrates the completed work to stakeholders and gathers feedback.

Imagine a construction team. The team is working on building a new house. They have divided the project into sprints, each of which is two weeks long. At the beginning of each sprint, the team meets with the homeowner to discuss the work that needs to be done. The team then selects a set of tasks to complete by the end of the sprint.

Key Differences

  • Flexibility: Kanban is more flexible, allowing changes to be made mid-stream, while Scrum requires planning and commitment to specific tasks during a sprint.
  • Roles: Scrum has defined roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team), while Kanban does not prescribe specific roles.
  • Meetings: Scrum includes regular ceremonies like Daily Standups and Sprint Reviews, whereas Kanban focuses more on the flow of work.

Kanban or Scrum

Which is Better, Kanban or Scrum?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best methodology for your project will depend on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the project, the team’s experience, and the level of customer involvement.

If you are unsure which methodology to choose, it is a good idea to talk to your team and stakeholders. You can also experiment with different methodologies to see what works best for you.

The choice between Kanban and Scrum depends on the project’s needs, team dynamics, and organizational goals.

  • Kanban is suitable for teams that require flexibility and continuous delivery, such as support or maintenance projects.
  • Scrum is ideal for projects with clear milestones and deliverables, where iterative development and regular feedback are essential.

Why Move from Kanban to Scrum?

There are a few reasons why a team might choose to move from Kanban to Scrum:

  • To gain more structure and predictability. Scrum has a more defined framework than Kanban, with set roles, ceremonies, and timeboxes. This can be helpful for teams that need more structure and predictability in their work.
  • To improve their ability to deliver on commitments. Scrum’s sprint structure helps teams to break down their work into smaller, more manageable chunks, and to commit to delivering those chunks within a set timeframe. This can be helpful for teams that need to be able to reliably deliver on commitments to stakeholders.
  • To increase their focus on collaboration and communication. Scrum’s daily standups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives help to ensure that team members are aligned on their goals and priorities, and that they are communicating and collaborating effectively. This can be helpful for teams that need to improve their collaboration and communication.

Here are some specific examples of situations where a team might choose to move from Kanban to Scrum:

  • A team is working on a complex project with many dependencies. Scrum’s sprint structure can help the team to break down the project into smaller, more manageable chunks, and to coordinate their work more effectively.
  • A team is working on a project with a tight deadline. Scrum’s sprint structure can help the team to commit to delivering specific pieces of work within a set timeframe.
  • A team is struggling to collaborate and communicate effectively. Scrum’s ceremonies can help the team to improve their alignment and communication.

If you are considering moving from Kanban to Scrum, it’s important to do your research and to transition carefully. It’s also important to involve your team in the decision-making process and to get their buy-in on the move.

Why Move from Scrum to Kanban?

Scrum and Kanban are two different ways to manage projects. Scrum is more rigid and has fixed timelines, while Kanban is more flexible and allows for continuous delivery.

Why might a team want to move from Scrum to Kanban?

  • If the team struggles with rigid timelines and needs more flexibility. Scrum teams have to commit to a certain amount of work for each sprint, and this can be difficult if the team is constantly getting interrupted or if the requirements change. Kanban teams are not committed to a set amount of work for each time period, so they can be more flexible and respond to changes more easily.
  • If there is a need for continuous delivery rather than iterative development. Scrum teams work in sprints, which are typically 2-4 weeks long. At the end of each sprint, the team delivers a working product increment. Kanban teams can deliver work as soon as it is finished, so they can be a good fit for teams that need to deliver work continuously.
  • If the team wants to focus on flow efficiency and reduce bottlenecks. Kanban boards help teams to visualize their work and identify bottlenecks. This can help teams to improve their flow efficiency and get work done more quickly.

Imagine that you are working on a group project for school. Scrum would be like being given a set of instructions for the project and having to complete it within a certain amount of time. Kanban would be like being given a list of tasks for the project and being able to work on them in any order, as long as you are finished with all of the tasks by the end of the semester.

How Does Kanban Differ from Agile?

Kanban is a subset of Agile. While Agile is a set of principles and values that guide the development process, Kanban is a specific method that implements those principles through visual management and continuous improvement.

Is Kanban Agile or Not?

Yes, Kanban is considered an Agile methodology. It embraces the Agile principles of customer collaboration, responding to change, and delivering value continuously.

Pros, Cons, and Key Comparisons


  • Pros: Flexibility, continuous delivery, visual management.
  • Cons: Less structure, potential for scope creep.


  • Pros: Clear roles and responsibilities, regular feedback, iterative development.
  • Cons: Rigid timelines, more meetings.


Is Scrum More Complex Than Kanban?

Scrum is often considered more complex due to its defined roles, ceremonies, and time-boxed iterations. Kanban’s simplicity and flexibility can make it easier to adopt.

Can Kanban and Scrum Be Used Together?

Yes, Scrumban is a hybrid approach that combines elements of both methodologies, offering the structure of Scrum with the flexibility of Kanban.


Kanban and Scrum are powerful methodologies that can drive success in software development. The choice between them should align with the team’s needs, project requirements, and organizational culture. At Zeren Software, understanding these methodologies can lead to more efficient, responsive, and successful projects. We take great pride in using both of these methodologies to navigate the needs and wants of our clients, and create longstanding software solutions, so that projects and companies can thrive.